SAU Goes On Tour

At the behest of the Cabe Foundation, SAU Department of Theatre made a historic first by packing up “Madagascar–A Musical Adventure” for a mini-tour to Gurdon, AR, where we had a spectacular,…

ONSTAGE: ON-AIR is launched!

After getting a generous grant from the Puffin Foundation (love them!), Little Black Dress INK decided to branch out and bring their awesomeness to the online airwaves. As of this evening, ONSTAGE: ON-AIR has…

End of the Semester!

Just finished up an incredibly fun and super-awesome final for my Acting for Non-Majors class here at Baylor. These brave 14 have been such a positive, supportive, trusting group from day one way…

Some love for NORA

Getting over the Nora post-show blues by revisiting some of our audience’s responses. Just thought I’d share some of the best! How about that staging?? Go see #Baylor Theatre’s “Nora,” now through…